令和7年度入学式(Spring 2025 Entrance Ceremony)
YNU will hold Entrance Ceremony for Spring 2025. Details will be as follows.
日時 Date&Time
開式 10:00~10:30
(終了後、YNUリテラシー入門 10:30~10:45)
入場時刻 9:05~9:40
Friday, April 4, 2025
OPEN 9:05
START 10:00
*After the ceremony, Introduction to YNU Literacy 10:30-10:45
新入生、父母、教職員等入場時刻 Opening time
*New students are asked to be seated by 9:40.
*New students are required to bring their letter of admission or student ID card and present it at the entrance.
Family members of new students must present a copy of their letter of admission or student ID at the entrance for family members. (Please be sure to prepare in advance, as you will be admitted through a different entrance than new students.)
The entrance is on the seaside of the first floor.
Please understand that if the venue is full, parents and other guardians/family members may be taken to the relay venue.
式場 Venue
パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール/会議センター301+302,303(住所:横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1) アクセス
PACIFICO Yokohama National Convention Hall/Conference Center 301+302,303
1-1-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, JAPAN Access
式次第 Program
- 開式の辞 Opening
- 学長式辞 Welcome Speech from the President
- 入学生宣誓 Student Pledge
- 登壇者紹介 Introduction of Officers and Deans
- uedbet体育_uedbet体育投注-彩客网彩票推荐学生歌等 YOKOHAMA National University Student Song
- 閉式の辞(終了後にYNUリテラシー入門)Closing
*After the ceremony, Introduction to YNU Literacy
記念撮影AR看板 Augmented reality (AR) signboards
For the safety of all attendees, please note that we will not be setting up commemorative signboards in the vicinity of the ceremony. Instead, we have prepared augmented reality (AR) signboards that can be used with smartphones. The AR signboards can be used even if you are not in the vicinity of the ceremony venue.
Information on how to use the AR signboard will be posted on the university'swebsite by mid-March.
注意事項 Notes
- ご来場には公共交通機関をご利用ください。
車での送迎による施設付近への乗りつけは渋滞の原因となりますのでお控えください。 - 近隣のホテルや会議センターの入口周辺での待ち合わせは一般利用客の通行の妨げとなりますのでご遠慮ください。
- 入場終了時刻直前は受付が大変混み合います。お早めにご来場くださるようお願いいたします。
- Please use public transportation to get to the venue. Please refrain from driving to and from the facility as this will cause traffic congestion.
- Please refrain from meeting around the entrances to nearby hotels and Conference Center, as this will impede the flow of general users.
- The reception desk is very busy just before the end of the admission period. Please arrive as early as possible.
- ごみ箱を設置していませんので、ごみは各自でお持ち帰りください。
- 当日は、聴覚障がい等のある方への情報保障を行います。
【問合せ先】障がい学生支援室 shougai.shienynu.ac.jp
- Please take your own garbage home.
- On the day of the event, we will provide information support to attendees with hearing and other disabilities using a method called PC take.
Details will be posted at the reception desk of the ceremony. Those who wish to use this service are requested to bring a smartphone or other device.
If you have any other disabilities that require special consideration, please contact the Support Office for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible after your enrollment decision.
the Office of Support for Students with Disabilities
Mail shougai.shienynu.ac.jp
総務企画部総務企画課 General Planning Division