How to act if “I might have Corona?”(Update on October 4)
Dear YNU Students, Faculties, and Administrative Staffs,
Update on October 4
Executive Director (General Affairs)
How to act if “I might have Corona?”
Once again, we inform you how you should act when you contract with COVID-19 or when you feel something wrong with your physical condition. When you think “I may have Corona?”, take the following actions.
1. If you feel something wrong with your physical condition
If you have symptoms such as fever or cough and feel something wrong with your physical condition and think, "I might have Corona?", please purchase a medical antigen test kit and take a voluntary test if necessary, or visit a medical institution such as a fever clinic (prior appointment required).
*Reference: “If you think you have been infected with the novel coronavirus”

2. If you contract with COVID-19 or become a close contact person who is infected with COVID-19
Attendance to classes will be suspended (for students) or ordered to standby at home (for faculties and administrative staffs). YNU students, faculties, and administrative staffs who have contracted with COVID-19 or had intensive contact with an infected person must register the situation using the dedicated web form on the Health Service Center’s website

(Period of suspension from attendance / staying at home)
Contracted person: Until recovery (7 days after the start of the onset and 24 hours after symptoms were alleviated)
* If there is no symptom, 7 days after the day of testing.
Close contact person: 5 days after the day of last close contact.
For more detail, including how to contact the Health Service Center, please refer to “Measures against the Infection Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (the Eighteenth Report)