- News and Information
- 【June is Pride Month】
Our President Yuichi Hasebe posted a message for Pride Month.
【June is Pride Month】
Our President Yuichi Hasebe posted a message for Pride Month.
【June is Pride Month】
Our President Yuichi Hasebe posted a message for Pride Month.
【June is Pride Month】

We will have an online movie night streaming from 6pm, 25 June. The film on LGBT will give us insight into life. We are sorry that its language is Japanese only. However, if you are interested in it, you are the most welcome. Contact the following address; https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=N_KtkmBGSEmCcJ-q9IV0KeYky0eBL4RLgEjyXVY6QipURVFUSVczUDdWTENTSkVZUVZBSzY2RjdJNS4u