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  2. News and Information
  3. 【July 4th, 2024】YOKOHAMA Socrates Program Online Information Session

【July 4th, 2024】YOKOHAMA Socrates Program Online Information Session

On Thursday, July 4th, YOKOHAMA National University will hold ”Online Information Session” for those who are interested in YOKOHAMA Socrates Program. If you would like to participate, please fill out the registration form新しいウィンドウが開きます.

1. We will be holding our online information session in English.
2. Time shown is Japanese Standard Time (JST). Please beware there are time differences depending on each country.
3. We appreciate your understanding that the schedule is subject to change without notice.

10:30~10:40Program Information
10:40~11:00Presentation by YNU student
11:00~11:15Q&A session
11:15~11:30Q&A session #2

The YOKOHAMA Socrates Program is a bilingual global education program in the YNU College of Urban Sciences enabling students to obtain a bachelor’s degree with English and Japanese ascommon languages.For the details, please refer to the website of YOKOHAMA Socrates Program新しいウィンドウが開きます.

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