1. YNU
  2. Headlines
  3. JICA日系社会次世代育成研修(大学生招へいプログラム)の研修員を受け入れました!/ Trainees of Education Program for Nikkei Next Generation (University Students) visited YNU!

JICA日系社会次世代育成研修(大学生招へいプログラム)の研修員を受け入れました!/ Trainees of Education Program for Nikkei Next Generation (University Students) visited YNU!

学生国際ボランティアによるYNU紹介プレゼン / YNU Presentation by Student International Volunteers
学生国際ボランティアによるYNU紹介プレゼン / YNU Presentation by Student International Volunteers
藤掛研究室との集合写真 / With Fujikake Seminar
藤掛研究室との集合写真 / With Fujikake Seminar
グループワークの様子 / Group Work
グループワークの様子 / Group Work


On July 2nd, 6th and 9th, 2018, YNU invited trainees of Education Program for Nikkei Next Generation (University Students).
This program invites 20 university students from Latin America for 3 weeks, and it is aimed at fostering leaders of next generations of Nikkei communities who contribute to strengthening the relations with Japan, and the development of the country of residence.
YNU participated in this program and hold the training for them for 3 days.

On the first day (July 2nd), 20 trainees visited YNU and exchanged with Yoko Fujikake Seminar (Faculty of Urban Innovation, YNU) through the campus tour and group work.
And YNU Student International Volunteers made a presentation of YNU for trainees at the opening ceremony.


On the 2nd and 3rd day of training, 8 trainees took special lectures given by professors of YNU in English.
Trainees listened attentively to lectures and asked questions.

特別講義 Special Lectures
Urban Transportation (Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura)
Rehabilitation from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Associate Prof. Mihoko Matsuyuki)
Education in schools about disaster prevention to achieve resilient society (Prof. Akira Hosoda)
Seismic Design of Highway Bridges in Japan (Prof. Hiroshi Katsuchi)
Earthquake Resistant Buildings & Structural Design in Japan (Associate Prof. Kuniyoshi Sugimoto)

中村文彦教授 Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura
中村文彦教授 Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura
松行美帆子准教授 Associate Prof. Mihoko Matsuyuki
松行美帆子准教授 Associate Prof. Mihoko Matsuyuki
細田暁教授 Prof. Akira Hosoda
細田暁教授 Prof. Akira Hosoda
勝地弘教授 Prof. Hiroshi Katsuchi
勝地弘教授 Prof. Hiroshi Katsuchi
杉本訓祥准教授 Associate Prof. Kuniyoshi Sugimoto
杉本訓祥准教授 Associate Prof. Kuniyoshi Sugimoto

And on July 6th, YNU Student International Volunteers hold an exchange event with trainees.
They actively exchanged and deepened mutual understanding and friendship through group works and having lunch together.
It was a short 3 days training, but a precious opportunity for both trainees, YNU students and staffs to expand cultural and academic relations.
グループワークの様子 / Group Work
グループワークの様子 / Group Work
研修員とYNU学生 / Trainees and YNU students
研修員とYNU学生 / Trainees and YNU students


