Professor Hironori Fudeyasu, College of Education and the Institute of Advanced Sciences, selected as a Project Manager for the Moonshot Research and Development Program

Hironori Fudeyasu, a professor at the College of Education and the director of the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center (TRC) of the Institute of Advanced Sciences has been selected as a Project Manager (PM) of the Moonshot Research and Development (R&D) Program of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the Goal 8 "Realization of a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050".
Prof. Fudeyasu and his research team will work on one of the Moonshot Goal 8 Core Research projects, the "Typhoon Control Research for a Safe and Prosperous Society" project.
Prof. Fudeyasu and his research team will work on one of the Moonshot Goal 8 Core Research projects, the "Typhoon Control Research for a Safe and Prosperous Society" project.
Comment from Prof. Fudeyasu
"It has been a long journey over the past year and a half, starting with the Moonshot Millenia program, and finally we have reached this point. We would like to thank all the people who have helped us to get this far.And with the adoption of a PM of the Moonshot Goal 8 as a fresh start, we will continue to advance our basic research toward the control of typhoons".
Principal Researcher Mori of JAMSTEC, a member of TRC, also adopted as a PM
Principal Researcher Shuichi Mori of the Center for Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Research (CCOAR) of Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and a member of the Typhoon Observation Research Lab at the TRC has been also selected as a PM for the Moonshot Goal 8 Feasibility Study project, "Development of unmanned marine observation vehicles essential for forecasting and monitoring of typhoon artificial control".
Comment from Dr. Mori
"While this project was originally proposed by my main institution, as a member of the TRC, I would like to advance the project in cooperation with the TRC, and I will strive to produce research results contributing to Prof. Fudeyasu's core research project hereafter".Related Information
What is the Moonshot R&D Program?
The Moonshot R&D Program launched by the Cabinet Office (CAO) promotes high-risk, high-impact R&D aiming to achieve ambitious Moonshot Goals and solve issues facing future society such as super-aging populations and global warming.
What is a PM?
In the Moonshot R&D Program, several R&D projects are promoted to achieve each Moonshot Goal. The Project Managers (PMs) advance the R&D projects they have proposed.Related Links