College of Urban Sciences

Degrees: Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Environmental Science
Degree Programs Offered in English: YOKOHAMA Creative-City Studies Program (YCCS)
Urban Sciences is an academic field that focuses on an important theme—how cities should be in the future—from a scientific point of view. The College of Urban Sciences was newly established in April 2017, and comprises of the following four departments: (1) the Department of Urban and Social Collaboration for studying cultural and social sciences, with the objective of create a pleasant urban society and culture; (2) the Department of Architecture and Building Science for studying creative architecture, urban environments, and town development; (3) the Department of Civil Engineering for studying technology and management relating to the infrastructure supporting urban activities; and (4) the Department of Risk Management and Environmental Science for studying sustainable urban development with the understanding of natural and social environmental risks. The College pursues the development of talented people who can commit themselves to creating cities from broad perspectives that include liberal arts and scientific viewpoint.
Departments (Specializations)
- Department of Urban and Social Collaboration
- Department of Architecture and Building Science
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Risk Management and Environmental Science