

Career Support

Career Support Room

YNU Career Support Room holds several career lectures for international students seeking employment in Japan. It provides useful guidance and instruction related to career hunting activities such as how to collect employment information, how to deal with interviews, and any other job-hunting skills. The Room also organizes seminars featuring human resource representatives from various corporations who come to the campus and introduce their companies. Please take the initiative and participate in these programs.

All information regarding career support is posted on the bulletin boards of the Student Affairs and International Relations Department and of each college and graduate school as well as the website of the university.

At the Career Support Room, students can also browse announcements concerning internships with the goal of gaining firsthand work experience. Please feel free to take advantage of the Career Support Room to get advice and collect information on finding a job with a Japanese corporation.

Career Support Room

Place: 3rd Floor of the Student Center
Opening Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except 12:45 – 1:45 p.m.)
Tel: 045-339-3133
Email: gakusei.shushoku(atmark)ynu.ac.jp

International Student Career Support Desk

The International Student Career Support Desk, ISCSD, is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center. The ISCSD organizes seminars on the Japanese employment process in Japanese and foreign languages as well as extension courses: Japanese language and career education that will help international students to find employment in Japan. The ISCSD offers career-related information for international students via our website and email newsletters.

International Student Career Support Desk

Place: 3rd Floor of the Student Center
Operating Hours: Weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (except 12:45-1:45p.m.)
Tel: 045-339-3949
E-mail: kokusai-shushoku(atmark) ynu.ac.jp

The following websites also assist international students seeking employment in Japan.
