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  3. Academic Affairs
  4. Makeup Test Application Procedures

Makeup Test Application Procedures

※Underlined updated ?November 25, 2024

Reasons for application

You can apply for a makeup test if you were unable to take a final exam for a course conducted during the examination period on the academic calendar due to one of the following reasons (a) to (e):

(a) Your own illness or injury (requiring a doctor's certificate stating the duration of treatment)
(b) Loss of your relative in the third degree of kinship or relative living together (requiring a document confirming the fact)
(c) Extreme delay or stoppage of public transportation (requiring a document certifying the fact)
(d) Participation in trials and various procedures under the Saiban-in system provided by Act on Criminal Trials with the Participation of Saiban-in (requiring a document certifying the fact)
(e) Other unavoidable reason accepted by the head of a relevant department, etc.
(requiring documentation explaining the reason)

Application method, etc.

Offices accepting the application
Academic Affairs Section, etc., of the college you belong to
Application method
Please submit a makeup test application form along with necessary documents (Application via e-mail may be permitted, depending on the case). Application by a proxy is also allowed.
Makeup Test Application Form (in Japanese) Wordファイルが開きます
Application due date
You may apply until 17:00 on the day following the end of the examination period on the academic calendar. However, if that day applies on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, it shall be the day that is not a holiday closest to that day.
Makeup test method
The method will be designated by the faculty member in charge of the relevant course.

Application to be submitted to

Office Phone number E-mail address
College of Education
Student Affairs Section
045-339-3261 edu.gakumu(アットマークを記入して下さい)ynu.ac.jp
College of Economics
Student Affairs Section
College of Business Administration
Student Affairs Section
045-339-3663 int.keiei(アットマークを記入して下さい)ynu.ac.jp
College of Engineering Science
Educational Affairs Section
College of Urban Sciences
Student Affairs Section
045-339-3124 cus.jimu(アットマークを記入して下さい)ynu.ac.jp
Socrates Program
International Education Section
Global Promotion Division
Student Affairs and International Strategy Department

(in the Student Center)
045-339-3186 global.education(アットマークを記入して下さい)ynu.ac.jp

(Educational Affairs Division)
