入学式&卒業式 式辞、祝辞
さて、このような世界に誇るべき実績はどこから来たのでしょうか。本学は、戦前の官立の横浜師範学校、横浜高等工業学校、横浜高等商業学校を起源とします。それぞれ、1876年、1920年、1923年に開学しています。実に150年の歴史と伝統を誇ります。横浜高等工業学校に建築学科が設置されたのは、およそ今から百年前、1925年のことで、初代の教授は中村順平先生といいます。また、横浜高等工業学校の初代校長は鈴木達治?煙洲先生でした。鈴木先生は化学がご専門の、所謂、「バリバリの理系」の先生です。しかしながら、名教自然や三無主義などを提唱されたユニークな教育者でもありました。私は、鈴木達治先生の ?現代風に言えば? 多様性を重んじ、包摂的な生き方が先ほど申し上げた3名もの先生がプリツカー賞を受賞された本学の栄誉に続いているのではないかと思っています。
令和6年3月25日 uedbet体育_uedbet体育投注-彩客网彩票推荐学長
梅原 出
First, my heartfelt congratulations to all of you who are graduating or receiving your degrees. Today, we are sending off 1,610 students from undergraduate colleges, 809 students from graduate schools, and 64 from professional degree programs here on our Tokiwadai Campus.
Many of the graduating students have faced the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic since their admission to the university. Based on the knowledge of science and technology acquired in modern times, humans have developed vaccines in a really short time, utilized various social systems, and eventually overcome the COVID-19 crisis. I think that as a member of humanity, each of you is also here as a result of conquering the challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
I would like to pay my tribute to the students who have worked so hard amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and I would also like to thank and congratulate their families and all concerned for watching over our graduating students kindly over the years and for their support and cooperation with Yokohama National University.
I am very pleased that we are able to hold the graduation ceremony with all of you who are graduating or completing your programs and your families in attendance. It is also a great pleasure for all faculty and staff members that the graduating students have completed their studies at the university and are now starting a new life. On their behalf, let me congratulate you all once again.
Today, I would also like to talk to you all who are embarking on a new chapter in your life about the importance of welcoming diversity and inclusion.
Recently, Mr. Riken Yamamoto, former Professor of the university, received the Pritzker Architecture Prize, also known as the Novel Prize of architecture. As President of Yokohama National University, I am very proud of his winning the prize. Mr. Yamamoto is the ninth Japanese laureate of the Pritzker Prize and the third who held a teaching position at the university, following Professor Ryue Nishizawa and Emerita Professor Kazuyo Sejima. One third of the nine Japanese laureates are architects related to the university.
How did these achievements, which can be boasted about to the world, come about? The university originated from a merging of pre-war national schools: Yokohama Normal School, Yokohama Higher School of Technology, and Yokohama Higher School of Commerce , which were established in 1876, 1920, and 1923, respectively. The university has 150 years of history and tradition. In 1925, about 100 years ago, the Department of Architecture was established in the Yokohama Higher School of Technology, with Mr. Junpei Nakamura as the first professor.
The first principal of the Yokohama Higher School of Technology was Mr. Tatsuji Suzuki (Enshu). Mr. Suzuki was a scientific teacher specializing in chemistry and a unique educator advocating the educational philosophy "Meikyo Shizen," which means "excellent education and research values nature," and "three no's principle," which means no tests, no scores, and no rewards or punishments . Explaining in up-to-date terms, his way of life was inclusive, with value placed on diversity. I believe that Mr. Suzuki's attitude contributed to the university's achievement of producing three recipients of the Pritzker Architecture Prize.
Mr. Suzuki, who was a very scientific person, established the Department of Architecture based on the belief that architecture is art. As described in his book "Enshu Manpitsu ," Mr. Suzuki's anecdote of hiring Mr. Junpei Nakamura as the first professor of the Department of Architecture is:
"Architecture is art and fine art. […] Physics, science, mathematics and natural science, which are all universal and human, know no borders. Architecture can do world culture a service only by being artistic and showing particular characteristics of ethnic groups. Architecture can be brought to perfection by architects who can leave it, as the pride of culture of the day, for future generations, great geniuses, faith, religion, or patriotism. With this ideal, schools that have the department of architectural engineering based on this ideal should not be vulgar."
"When establishing the department of architectural engineering, I looked for a person who was excellent enough to create an academic culture of the Department of Architecture of the Yokohama Higher School of Technology based on my ideal style of art, for the position of the first professor. I heard of Junpei Nakamura, an eccentric man who was working for the Sone Chujo Architectural Office after graduating from Nagoya Technical High School and studying in Paris. […] When I met him for the first time, I was totally attracted by Mr. Nakamura. To invite him as the first professor of the Department of Architecture, I talked about various matters with him, but the talks came to a deadlock in terms of enrollments. However, I found him very interesting because he showed disregard for school budgets in order to pursue his educational belief. Mr. Nakamura, who has all the character of an academic person, is never a snob, but he might be a violent-tempered person. […] He is a pure-minded, outspoken person and never thinks he wants to look good to others or he wants to be highly regarded. He seems to be strongly averse to being restrained by others or restricted from freedom. In other words, he is a free person ."
Despite the enrollment of 40 students required under the government's rules, Mr. Nakamura demanded that the number of students be five to six, strongly claiming that if there are more students, real education cannot be provided.
This was a hundred years ago, but Mr. Tatsuji Suzuki pursued diverse ways of learning under the idea that architecture is art, and Mr. Junpei Nakamura placed emphasis on the importance of respecting and including different thoughts from his own and people with diverse backgrounds. I believe that these two persons' attitudes suggest that here in the 21st century, we should make diverse knowledge a cornerstone of our organization, welcome diversity regardless of gender, nationality, and existence of a disability, and live an inclusive life.
At the Department of Architecture of the Yokohama Higher School of Technology, Mr. Nakamura provided Beaux-Arts-style architectural education as the first and only attempt in Japan. He made remarkable achievements as an architect and educator, which I want each of you to find the time to take a look at. It would not be an overstatement to say that the thoughts of architect Junpei Nakamura have been passed down to the university today, leading to producing many Pritzker Architecture Prize laureates. I believe this achievement can be traced back to Mr. Tatsuji Suzuki's attitude to welcome diversity and live an inclusive life.
The forest surrounding the university’s campus is a man-made forest designed by the late Prof. Akira Miyawaki. The near endangered species Epipogium roseum and Cymbidium macrorhizon have been found in this forest. The university’s evergreen forest produces great varieties of fungi which sustain the growth of Epipogium roseum, a saprophyte with no chlorophyll. Biodiversity is precisely what sustains the ecosystem, and it is the necessary and sufficient condition for the maintenance of the ecosystem.
Look at the satoyama tinted in red as the sun sets in the rural landscape. I think this is the archetypal scene for all of us who live in Japan. While the rural landscape and the satoyama were created by people, they are part of “nature” in this country. This is also a rich ecosystem built on biodiversity. Unless we actively conserve this ecosystem, it will disintegrate.
The university has been selected as a UNESCO Chair on Education in Biosphere Reserves for Sustainable Societies, under which activities will be conducted not by putting humans outside “nature,” but by regarding them as part of “nature.”. The underlying idea is that humans exist with biodiversity.
How about humans and society?
I believe that diversity in human society is exactly the same as diversity in nature surrounding human beings because they exist by complementing each other.
It is precisely because we each have our individual characters that we are able to help each other, come up with new ideas, and realize the prosperity of the human species. This means that the diverse existence of each one of us is always important and meaningful for society as a whole.
In today's society, we have been facing various issues that cannot be sufficiently dealt with by the knowhow and experience accumulated so far. Those issues include serious environmental destruction, such as climate change and marine pollution, changes in social structure, and the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, it is important to introduce diverse talents into organizations, possess diverse strengths, capabilities and values, and create an environment and culture of mutual respect for each other’s existence to ensure all capabilities can be given full play. I hope that all of you who will live in a global society will actively seek encounters with different senses of values, be stimulated by such encounters, expand your worldview, and increase your own potential to develop your power of life. Please remember the late Prof. Miyawaki's forest, which fostered each of you, and then think about your predecessors' outstanding activities that value diversity and inclusion, including those of Prof. Tatsuji Suzuki.
You have received education over the years and cultivated a brilliant individuality. As I stated earlier, you are here because you have fostered your “expertise” in various fields of study and further refined such knowledge. I hope that you will give full play to your outstanding individuality.
Lastly, I would like to end my message by expressing my sincere hope that you will lead a life with a healthy body and mind from tomorrow, take pride in what you have learned at Yokohama National University, and achieve further personal growth as a member of humanity who will play an active role in creating its future with the “spirit of valuing diversity.”
March 25, 2024
President, Yokohama National University