また、昨年度からは「先進実践学環」や社会系の「Data Science教育プログラム–DSEP」、「Lawcal Business Economics 教育プログラム-LBEEP」がスタートいたしました。
20世紀初め、物理学の世界はニュートンに始まる力学、マクスウェルなどによる電磁気学や熱力学がすでに完成し、森羅万象 ?宇宙の営み? は人類の手の中にあると思われていました。大物理学者であるケルビンによる、ただ二つの雲のみが存在すると指摘はあったのですが、一般的には、晴れ渡った空の如しと考えられていた様に思われます。
令和4年4月7日 uedbet体育_uedbet体育投注-彩客网彩票推荐学長
梅原 出
This academic year we will be welcoming 1,743 fresh men and women in the undergraduate school and 907 students who are entering or continuing with their studies in the graduate school. Congratulations to all of you.
I would like to express my respect towards all of you students who have been working so hard amidst the current COVID-19 situation, as well as to all the people who have been supporting you.
Yokohama National University has an undergraduate school and a graduate school where students study the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and interdisciplinary fields. For the first time in fifty years, the university established a new faculty in the undergraduate school, the College of Urban Sciences, with the aim of seeking solutions for issues relating to the City Yokohama as well as other cities and regional areas in Kanagawa. In order to foster the new talented students, the College of Urban Sciences provides the programs which integrate humanities and social sciences with sciences and engineering and utilize the metropolitan cities as venues for students’ field work.
The College of Education, the Graduate School of Education, and the Professional School for Teacher Education, through their specializing in school education curriculum, perform a core role in training highly qualified teachers.
The College of Economics and the College of Business Administration have been restructured into an educational system which allows the students to gain a wide range of knowledge in line with globalization.
The College of Engineering Science and the Graduate School of Engineering Science have restructured their educational system in order to develop highly qualified engineering science students who will lead the way in the creation of new knowledge and technical innovation.
The Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences and the Institute of Urban Innovation demonstrate the actual integration of arts and sciences, and the education and research activities which are carried out there reflect an outstanding characteristic of our university.
Moreover, the Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies has commenced since last academic year, along with the Data Science Education Program (DSEP) in the field of social sciences and the Lawcal Business Economics Education Program (LBEEP).
Along with such comprehensive reforms, we will further promote exchanges with universities and institutes of excellence all over the world, with the aim of realizing world class education and research through fostering students who will be active and practical on a global stage.
The 21st century is regarded as the quantum era. By briefly reviewing the history of physics, which is my specific area of expertise, I would like to think about your future learning.
In the field of physics, at the beginning of the 20th century, when the mechanics founded by Newton and the electromagnetism and thermodynamics by Maxwell and others had been established, Shinrabansho, or the workings of the universe, was understood as being within human’s reach. Despite the eminent physician, Lord Kelvin’s statement on the presence of two remaining clouds, the general view seemed to favor a clear cloudless sky.
The two clouds which Lord Kelvin referred to were firstly, the inability to observe ether and secondly, the inability to explain the black-body radiation. The former led to the discovery of Einstein’s theory of relativity and the latter led to the formation of the field of quantum mechanics. Both form the pillars of physics from the 20th century onwards. Moreover, in the 20th century, these two study areas consisted mainly of basic research. With the continuing advances in basic research conducted at universities, institutes, and businesses throughout the world, an unfathomable amount of knowledge had been accumulated.
We are thus able to enter the quantum era in the 21st century as a result of all the knowledge which had been accumulated through basic research and in the near future, quantum information and quantum computers will also form a close part of your lives.
I believe that such a way of human activity is evident not only in the field of physics, but can also be found in all areas of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. In other words, basic research is extremely important for mankind.
One of the functions of a university is to carry out basic research. I would like all of you here today to develop a robust foundation of learning through your studies. If you acquire it, it will possibly be applied to and developed in other various areas. Your study or research at university is not a final goal in itself. Once you leave university and go out into the world, it is important to be able to create your own path into the future and to continue growing so that you can become a central figure through your participation in society.
Last year on October 1, our university established the first typhoon research institute in Japan, the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center. The research center aims not only to control the enormous damage caused by typhoons as a result of climate change and particularly through global warming, but also to consider utilizing typhoon energy to generate electricity. With the objectives of researching cutting-edge disaster prevention and disaster mitigation, the institute is the first typhoon research center in Japan comprising numerous universities, extending from Hokkaido University in the north to the University of the Ryukyus in the south, research institutions and companies.
The information regarding the mechanism behind a typhoon’s forming and developing is obtained through aircraft and/or satellite observations and computer simulations are carried out on the Fugaku super computer. The research involves bringing together expertise from the field of science and engineering in order to explore the possibilities of controlling typhoons and utilizing typhoon energy to generate electricity.
Moreover, the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center also carries out research on the construction of a social system such as building a national and international consensus on controlling typhoons. Human activity which involves reaching into nature also requires knowledge from the field of humanities. Thus, the research consists of integrating all of these scientific knowledge.
The research conducted at the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center firmly demonstrates our approach towards the sciences which involves integrating knowledge. As students, you will start your studies at the undergraduate and graduate schools. Please take first steps by firmly building up your expertise in your field of sciences.
Let me mention once again that all of you here today will be learning the foundation and application in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. In whatever field, science is a human activity which involves focusing on the evidence, thinking for yourself, communicating with your own words, holding discussions together, and seeking out the truth. I believe that “a scientific mind” involves seeking out the essence of matters based on evidence. I am convinced that a “scientific mind” will be a guidepost for your future path. Our university will support you in cultivating a “scientific mind”. All the various sciences develop through their interaction with each other. I hope that all of you develop an interest in the various science fields while also furthering your individual disciplines. Such a process will enable you to foster an “integrated knowledge”, which along with a “scientific mind” will allow you to pave your own way in the future.
Yokohama National University, together with the various stakeholders of students, faculty, alumni, and local community, forms a strong community which has been able to confront diverse challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Today, all of you here have now joined our university’s community.
Welcome to Yokohama National University.
Congratulations to your enrollment in and advancement to our university.
April 7, 2022
President, Yokohama National University